The 7 Ways to Develop an Abundance Mindset

The 7 Ways to Develop an Abundance Mindset

Someone with an abundance mindset is grateful for everything they have. The abundance mindset expresses the idea that there is plenty of everything in the world. Developing an abundance mindset can impact both personal and professional life. When you have...
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Adopting an Abundance Mindset

Adopting an Abundance Mindset

Abundance Mindset : Have you ever paid attention to your thoughts for a whole day? Are your thoughts generally focused on fear, negativity, and what you don’t have? Or do you generally focus on hope, positivity, and what you do...
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How to Create an Abundance Mindset

How to Create an Abundance Mindset

Abundance Mindset : Much of society seems to be built on a scarcity mindset. It’s a mindset that tells people that there is something missing in their lives, that opportunities are few and far between. Of course, this is useful...
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Using Color Therapy to Heal Your Chakras

Using Color Therapy to Heal Your Chakras

You have seven chakras in your body, each represented by one of the colors of the rainbow. These colors can be used to affect a person’s energy and senses in order to create balance between the body, mind, and spirit....
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Using the Law of Attraction to Realize Your Dreams

Using the Law of Attraction to Realize Your Dreams

The Law of Attraction is quite powerful when you know how to use it. It can help you improve your life and make your dreams come true. Your mind can turn into reality what it believes in. Unfortunately, some people...
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Past Life Karma – How It Affects Your Present Day

Past Life Karma – How It Affects Your Present Day

You probably know the famous saying: ‘You reap what you sow.’ This means that your actions have consequences and this universal law governs the entire universe. Past life Karma is the result of your actions in previous lives. Typically, good...
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Can Karma Affect Your Love Life?

Can Karma Affect Your Love Life?

You may have heard this many times: ‘What goes around, comes around.’ That’s the simple meaning of karma contained in this phrase. Karma, whether good or bad, is the accumulation of actions from your past lives. Karma is like baggage...
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Mind Reading – Read the Mind of the Person in Front of You

Mind Reading – Read the Mind of the Person in Front of You

Although mind reading may seem like a super power, reading someone’s mind is actually a skill that can be learned. Predicting the needs of a customer, knowing how to approach your boss, developing an inner intuition about others’ values, can...
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The Impact of Negative Energy on Our Lives

The Impact of Negative Energy on Our Lives

Negative energies are everywhere in this world and they affect our lives whether we are aware of it or not. It is important to understand their existence and to fight against them in our daily life. Both positive and negative...
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Benefits of Being at a Higher Vibration

Benefits of Being at a Higher Vibration

Have you heard people talking about reaching a higher vibration? Are you uncertain about what it means or why it’s so important? In this article, I’ll address both of these questions so that you’ll have a clearer understanding and hopefully.....
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