Itchy Palm

Itchy Palm – Why Do Palms Itch

According to a long-standing belief, the palm interior itches either for money or for an early meeting. But there are actually many more interpretations and they all depend on certain factors. Many people believe that the signs in the palm…

Shadow People

Have you ever heard of? – Shadow People

This might scare you. But it means you feel the presence of shadow people. Who are shadow people Have you ever felt like someone is watching you? Have you ever felt someone’s presence around you? Have you ever caught a…

DNA Upgrade

Important Facts About the DNA Upgrade You’re Experiencing

Many people are undergoing a DNA upgrade This is truly a time of worldwide change and spiritual ascension. A DNA upgrade means that eventually people will be able to unlock the full potential of their 12-stranded physical DNA and 10-stranded ethereal…

Life After Death

What Happens to Our Soul After We Die? – Life After Death

Have you ever wondered what happens after death There is someone who has spent most of their life asking this question, which is why they have developed extensive knowledge in spiritual matters. I will talk about Dr. Micheal Newton, a…

Chasing in a Dream
Negative Energy

Coping with the Effects of Negative Energy

Everyone is affected by negative energy: fatigue, irritability and sudden pain are some of the symptoms of an energy attack. You can use the tips here to fight negative energy. There are moments when something goes wrong for everyone, when…

Akashic Records

Accessing the Akashic Records to Improve Your Life

As the name suggests, the Akashic Records will allow you to receive answers to any question related to your current, past, and future life. Before reading the Akashic Records, it is important to prepare yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally. The…

What are Akashic Records?

Currently, the Astral world is a realm of existence that surrounds our physical world but vibrates at a different energy frequency. It is the home of Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides. In this world, there is a complete copy of…


What Is Clairvoyance And How Is It Done?

Clairvoyance is a psychic ability where a psychic sees visions in their mind. When a psychic seer has clairvoyance, they are able to see things that will happen in the future. The psychic will then describe, interpret, and translate the…


Positive and Negative Telepathy Communication Channels

It is a clear fact that people are connected to each other through invisible communication channels. For example, someone calls you and you can feel exactly who it is. Or you know what the person is going to say before…